Nice prominence on 1st July 2013

I am not very happy with the processing of this image since i lost some very dim details in the prominence while coloring it in photoshop.. but this is the best i could do with it so far. This is a combined image of two separate high and low exposures of the same area of the Sun and this way i was able to capture both the very faint prominence and the bright solar disk.

I like the B/W image much more than the colored image here. What i have found, during my astronomical imaging routines is that every image is different in terms of processing. I really feel the need to make AVI with at least three exposure/gain/brightness etc settings to do the justice for bringing out details. I would try to do that tomorrow morning. The only thing that worries me is the extreme heat i face everyday while capturing these files. I miss my observatory!

This was the best prominence today on the Sun. The fast movement of matter in some parts can be noticed because of a blurry effect. I could have made a nice animation out of it but that needs a precise polar alignment which i have not yet done with this new mount so until then, enjoy the still images.