Update & Current Setup:

Recently i have started using Hyperstar Lens with the Celestron C14 and my recent purchase, ZWO 183 mono Pro camera. Now i am very flexible in making choices of various Image Scales. With 2*2 binning, i am at 1.44 arcseconds per pixel. This setup will mainly be used for Near Earth Asteroids’ tracking.

With my previous setup of the C14 and SBIG ST9XE and with other accessories (Rotator, TCF, Adaptive Optics, Filter Wheel) in the imaging train , i get an image scale of 0.95 arcseconds with a field of view of 8 * 8 arcminutes.


  1. Celestron C14

  2. Lunt 152mm Halpha Solar Telescope

  3. CBSAP 127mm Triplet Refractor

  4. Sky Watcher Dobsonian Manual 10 inch

  5. Sky Watcher Dobsonian GOTO 12 inch

  6. Sky Watcher 102mm Refractor

  7. Orion 80mm Refractor

  8. Daystar 80mm Refractors

  9. Binocular 20X * 100mm

  10. Binocular 10X * 50mm


  1. Nagler Type 5 31mm

  2. Nagler Type 6 9mm

  3. Celestron 26mm

  4. Nagler 2X powermate 2 inch

  5. Nagler 2.5X powermate 1.25

  6. Nagler 5X powermate 1.25

  7. Meade Astrometric 12mm Illuminated Reticle

  8. Gerd Neumann Ronchi Eyepiece

  9. William Optics Binoviewer


  1. Losmandy Titan with Gemini Mini

  2. Celestron CGEM Delux


  1. SBIG ST9XE dual sensor, dual cooling Camera

  2. SBIG RGH Camera

  3. Mallincam Hyper Plus Colored Video Camera

  4. ZWO 183 mono PRO Camera

  5. ZWO ASI 174 mono Camera

  6. ZWO ASI 224 colored Camera

  7. Canon 6D Camera

  8. Imaging Source 31 Colored

  9. Imaging Source 21 Mono


  1. Hutech IDAS 2 LPS Filter

  2. MEADE Color Filters Set

  3. Astrodon LRGB Filters Set

  4. Astrodon Narrowband Filters Set

  5. Astrdon UV Venus Filter

  6. Astronomik Narrowband Filters Set

  7. Astronomik IR Pass Filter

  8. Solar Continuum Filter

  9. UV/IR Blocking Filter

  10. Star Analyser 100 Filter

  11. Celestron 6.3 Reducer


  1. OPTEC TCF Focuser

  2. OPTEC 3" Pyxis Rotator

  3. Green Lasers

  4. Night Vision Monocular with IR Beam

  5. Telrad Finder