Eden Astronomical Observatory

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Spectra of 'All' Stars

Okay so this is the first compilation of the spectrum of 'all' types of stars from the observatory! Earlier i listed here some of the details about the hardware and software i am using to do the stellar spectroscopy.

Data reduction and stacking was done with Maxim DL software and spectroscopic calibration was performed in Rspec software and from here, i have received these above spectra of stars.

There is a lot to say about the stellar classification; i will however very briefly explain a few things here:

1. O type stars are the hottest stars and the temperature decreases towards M class where the temperature is the coolest.

2. Hotter stars emit more light towards bluer region of the spectrum and the cooler stars towards the redder.

3. The dark lines are due to the electron in atoms present in the atmosphere of the star, absorbing photons being generated by the star itself.

4. A type star has the strongest Hydrogen Absorption lines.

5. These absorption lines increase as the temperature gets colder so new atoms and even molecules can form in the atmosphere of the stars.

6. Our sun is a G class star and emits most of its light at the green wavelength.

So enjoy the colors in the picture and the variations in them. You can think why and how of science of spectroscopy but these colors are.. just so beautiful :)